Birds of Costa Rica – Part 5

Continuing day 5 at Laguna del Lagarto Eco Lodge of Sarapiqui – the one spot with highest birds count and wide range of species. Featuring the King Vulture and Long-tailed Bats in this blog.
Continuing day 5 at Laguna del Lagarto Eco Lodge of Sarapiqui – the one spot with highest birds count and wide range of species. Featuring the King Vulture and Long-tailed Bats in this blog.
Day 4 at Laguna del Lagarto Eco Lodge of Sarapiqui – the one spot with highest birds count and wide range of species. Featuring the Honeycreepers and Caribbean Rainforest shorebirds in this blog.
Traveling as well checking-in and out during odd hours for this kind of birding trip is a norm when you want to maximize your shooting opportunities during available lighting. Similar to when we checked-in at Catarata del Torro past 2:00AM, we checked-out before dawn to make sure we reached our next destination in time to shoot during the morning golden hour. Unlike in the States where it’s cool in the morning, it was not so much in Costa Rica as it is situated near the equator which we know typically is hot and humid. We had the air-conditioner running in […]
This is the first of a series of posts for the two-week trip I made to Costa Rica back in May 2014. Please click on each image for a better view. Costa Rica, a small country located in the bird-rich neotropical region is a must for avid bird photographers. To-date, a total of 850+ bird species have been recorded, which is more than all of the United States and Canada combined. It has an area smaller than West Virginia yet provides a wide array of natural habitats that include mangrove swamps, wet Caribbean coastal plains, dry lowlands, and multiple high […]